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林福昌绿色水源基金会于2015年5月16日由已故林福昌先生之家人所成立,由其长女亦是保利威有限公司的业务发展总监林芬尼女士来带动。此基金会成立的目的主要是倡导该公司的初期创始人— 已故林福昌先生的精神价值:





The Lim Hock Chiang Green Water Welfare Society is launched on 16th May 2015 by Lim's family, which is lead by Mrs. Lim Moh Nee, the Chief Business Development Officer at Polyware Sdn Bhd, with the primary objective of promoting the spiritual values of her late father Mr. Lim Hock Chiang as well as the initiator of the company: Helping others to be better person should always come first.

Mr. Lim Hock Chiang was unfortunately passed away in 1991 due to overworking that caused cerebral stroke. In order to sustaining the good values of Mr. Lim Hock Chiang and aiming to influence more people positively, the memorial Welfare Society registered as a non-government organization and focus on 3 areas: ENVIRONMENT, EDUCATION and COMMUNITY.

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