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2018 生命成长共修班-怡保


生命教育是教育系里头重要的一环,因为这引导我们认识与了解自己,自己与他人的关系, 同时明白生命的意义及价值。

林福昌绿色水源基金会联合槟城的正向生命教育中心,从2015年3月开始在怡保举办公益性的生命教育及心理卫生讲座。此讲座每个月举办两次,从晚上8时至10时, 上课地点在活水源头共修课室。





What is life education?
It is a vital part of education as it leads us to have true understanding of ourselves, our inner heart and understanding the relationship between ourselves with others. We also clarify the meaning and the values of life.
Lim Hock Chiang Green Water Welfare Society works together with Positive2u Sdn Bhd from Penang for giving a series of Life Education and Mental Health Talks to public since March 2015. The talks are conducted twice a month, from 8pm to 10pm at our training centre in Ipoh.

Please come and join us.


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